an afternoon in october before you hated me.
§1. not just unpleasant but literally horrible
i want to be with you
§2. small glossy black coffee beans
the end of the rainy season
§3. happy birthday to me
warm water makes me sleepy
§4. ward regulations and requirements
the prettiest thing in the room
§5. requiring enormous technical skill
beware gifted children
§6. the shadow of the event horizon
infinite space, infinite terror
§7. intervening electro-mechanical mechanisms
autocorrelation & deprecation
§8. the walled garden and the lotophage
jon blow four-hour livestreams
§9. middle school essay championship queen
going for walks
§10. roller-coasters and grammatology
enduring metacarpal nausea
§11. kind recommendations
the critical, instigating fear
§12. taking the 弱冷車
reading habits of the young
§13. signifying nothing
they kept speaking
§14. private sororal sentences
chronic misalignment
§15. deep water
cooling off or chilling out
§16. an idiot's move
gross softness